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A chromatic voyage

A chromatic voyage

Looking for a boost of energy? The orange bottle is your cure. Want to soar to new heights? The secret lies within this intriguing yellow potion. To find love, reach for the blue bottle.  MUGLER COLOGNE is this prism that breaks up light into an endless array of colors, as if to signify for all those who want to explore a terra incognita of pleasure that it is indeed possible to reinvent the rules of self and experiment with reality. "Four new colors of fragrances have joined this luminous, piercing ray of green light and offer the same sensory intensity as the original cologne", company says.
Thierry Mugler saw his perception of reality forever transformed during a trip to Morocco. Between sky, sand and sea, isolated in a hotel with simple charm, he was carried away by the blend of clay and whitewash tones, as well as the aromas of local spices that wafted into his window at dawn.
