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The latest fashion in furniture

Cosmit - Bellini, Copyright Davide Pizzigoni

The latest fashion in furniture

A double appointment open to the public on Saturday and Sunday.
Milan is once again the international furniture and design capital, the only city in the world to host
a trade fair capable of attracting over 300,000 visitors from 160 different countries.
The 53rd edition of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile has been split, as usual, into three style categories: Classic, Modern and Design.
The Salone will boast not just the consolidated presence of leading national and global sectoral manufacturers, but also the new inclusion of high-end furnishing companies such as Hästens, Kvadrat, Iittala, Tom Dixon, and upmarket fashion brands such as Ferré, Pierre Cardin and Ungaro, making the wide range of goods on offer even more tantalising.
Some very well-known names will be back on the stands: Flötotto, Gebr. Thonet, SCP, Thonet, Treca, Wittmann.
